Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Pawns in a Game

Today, we continued with the presentations. Several topics were brought up today including bad parenting in mythology and beginnings, middles, and ends in The Magus. One major theme of the presentations was the free will versus life is determined by fate debate. In Fowles' novel, Nick is like a pawn in Conchis's chess game. He thinks he's making his own decisions when in reality Conchis is always leading him in a certain direction.

On another note, I did my own presentation on the archetypes in The Magus. I thought it went rather well, and I feel confident in regards to my thesis. Hopefully, my ultimate fate on this assignment is a positive one.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Mourning for Adonis

"In the thick of stones, marble, and metal at Delphi, the visitors would think of other ghosts, of the first temples to Apollo, now no more" (Calasso, pg. 146).

Today, we began presentations about our individual essays on the subject of myth and The Magus (or some such topic Professor Sexon has approved of). There were a number of both, with some essays describing females in the book or Nick's hero path, and others discussing corrolations between Disney and Myth or Star Trek and myth, all of which were quite interesting.

My own presentation isn't until next Thursday, but i'm already working on preparing the speech. As it is, my paper's argument is that the primary characters in The Magus all represent some mythological archetype. I feel confident about it... hopefully, Dr. Sexon shares that opinion.